Public Policy
Our Public Policy
House of Representatives Co-Sponsors: Rep. Packer, Rep. McCrostie, Rep. Wagoner, Rep. Ehardt, Rep. Holtzclaw, Rep. Wintrow, Rep. Chew, Rep. Redman, Rep. McDonald, Rep. Zito, Rep. Thompson, Rep. Rubel, Rep. Horman, Rep. Armstrong, Rep. Crane, Rep. King, Rep. Toone, Rep. Smith, Rep. Erpelding, Rep. Manwarning, Rep. Zollinger, Rep. Kauffman, Rep. DeMordaunt
Senate Sponsor: Sen. Janie Ward-Engelking
Senate Co-Sponsors: Sen. Potts, Sen. Crabtree, Sen. Heider, Sen. Burgoyne, Sen. Siddoway, Sen. Lee, Sen. Martin, Sen. Souza, Sen. Nye, Sen. Buckner-Webb, Sen. Agenbroad, Sen. Hagedorn, Sen. Jordan, Sen. Lakey
Endorsement: Idaho Education Association, Idaho Association of School Administrators, Idaho School Board Association, Idaho School Counselor Association, Idaho School Psychologist Association, Suicide Prevention Action Network of Idaho, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Idaho Chapter, National Alliance on Mental Illness – Treasure Valley, National Alliance on Mental Illness – Wood River Valley, Nez Perce Tribe, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Associated Students University of Idaho, The Speedy Foundation, #LiveWilder Foundation, Idaho Suicide Prevention Coalition
Statement of Purpose- To provide a minimum level of suicide awareness and prevention training to all public school personnel. This legislation will allow school districts to adopt a suicide prevention policy and choose an evidence-based gatekeeper program to implement in their district.
Fiscal Note- There is no cost to the general fund. Evidence based “gatekeeper” programs are available from a number of sources at no-cost to school districts, in addition to programs available for a variety of fees.
History- This all began by listening to the needs of our youth and educators. We hosted meetings to collaborate with the State Department of Education, H&W’s Suicide Prevention Program, IEA, IASA, ISBA, & neighboring state programs to determine what was needed, what was wanted, what has worked well elsewhere and what to avoid. We’ve collected feedback on a virtual survey and created a website to host as much information as is possible available. The Jason Flatt Act has the backing of many reputable organizations and has been implemented in 19 other states. 42 states have some form of “gatekeeper” education on the books for educators. We are certain that this is a small but necessary first step to combating Idaho’s suicide problem.
Empowering Schools in Suicide Prevention

Jason Flatt Act
Learn more about how public policy has been put into action to prevent suicide.

Get Engaged
State the reason you are writing, make 2 or 3 strong factual points to support your position, state why this issue matters to you (personal story), state clearly what you are asking for, and keep it short (usually 250-300 words max).
- Use your own words.
- Start the letter by explaining your issues quickly so that readers understand.
- Be concise.
- Stick to one subject.
- Use talking points to develop your own, personalized message.
- Ask for something specific – “Representative Smith should XXX.”
- IMPORTANT: Make sure to include: full name, address, and daytime phone number so that your letter can be verified.
- Use your credentials and write about elements of your issue that correspond to your expertise.
In 2019, please ask our Legislature, your senators and representatives, to stand up to protect Idahoans, because suicide is preventable.
- Write from the heart about why you care – share a family story, mention things
- Talk about how important it is to ensure adequate funding for …
- Explain that our
- As Idaho grows, we need to think about
Information on safe storytelling HERE.